Friday, April 29, 2005
SENTOSA MANIAThursday, from 10am to 8pm, me and 10 other friends were in sentosa. After eating mac breakfast in the morning, we immediately set off for sentosa siloso beach. We played volleyball at first, but as most of us dunno how to hit the ball properly, some of us begin to give up playing that soon. One by one, all of us went into the water soon. I only swim abit along the shore as my left big toe and my left hand not yet fully recover yet. So there i am, playing water as i enjoy the cooling water. But the water is too salty somehow, it irritates my eyes and throat. Some of us play monkey game using the volleyball in water soon. I am monkey for quite long and then they find it boring.
Some of them then bury their legs in the sand. I find it interesting as i join them but i am buried from neck to toe. Haha, it gives me a idea to shoot a horror movie myself. Because i virtually camouflage myself with the white sand easily as i rises from the sand... If there is such a horror movie, mayb can name it as "The Sand Man". The setting will be at night where nobody can notice whether i am in the sand or not since my skin is so white and smooth. I can then sneak attack on people easily. He he... Mayb one day, can try shooting short clip and see the effect how.
At about 3pm+, they want to go to palawan beach. So all of us took a bus to there. The bus quite slow, but i guess mayb it is to prevent collision with people and peacocks there ba. Hmmm strange, y r there peacocks but no monkeys or other animals, mayb any of u know? 6 of them therefore went up the 3rd float there and tanning themselves. They even ask one of the 3 ppl(including me) on the bench to take pictures while posing on the float. lol, btw life guard is not happy with this somehow, but he closed one eye as it is not peak days. The remaining two, who are nic and huiling go walk walk on their own. Dunno they got cycle or not. Oh wat a couple... Haha, rest for some moments on the bench. At about 6pm, we went to the southern most point of Asia which is a bridge over waters leading to 2 4-storey buildings for viewing sceneries. u can see merlion from there too and lots of ships passing by the waters of Singapore.
And then, we crossed the bridge over and walked to 7-11 store to buy somethings. While i am looking around for some drink, they all left for the tram ride and left me behind alone. At that moment, i feel like i am like naruto, gaara or sasuke. Being alone, and nobody cares for u. Living in another world where u survive on your own by struggling for survival. Haizzz, they did come back to pick me up soon as we went to take the blue bus back to the siloso beach to take a bath at the toilets there. After a nice bath, i was feeling all hot over my body. A while later, we walked to the nearest stop to take the blue bus back to sentosa entrance where the bus is just waiting for us to board it. So it is 8pm when we reached harbourfront once again. Ivy lee then parted from us to go back home to have her dinner. We proceeded into harbourfront shopping centre to eat our dinner. We decided to eat at the food court there. Surprisingly, all of us eat noodles type of food except yj, who eat rice with yong tau foo. So 10 of us happily chatted and eat finish soon. We took MRT home whereas Agu has to go Holland village to accompany other friends. Anyway, hope agu has been visiting my blog n tag about how good my blog looks to her.
Went home and felt hot but not until today.
Today, i woke up to find that a stretch of height 10cm horizontally around the area of my nose got yellow-white thing oozing n form yellow substances. Mayb my face are too sunburn already. My skin turns reddish brown and only the lower part of my legs got tanned. Feels like a million needles stitching on my back and face kept got liquid oozing out of skin cells. Every 15 minutes got to wipe my face, or else i look like gaara whose sand covers his face instantly. lol. Argg, luckily yesterday is not the hottest day as there was some rain in the morning. Today, rest myself, watch tv and listen to music whole day as my shoulder joints are aching. Ok see ya, i shall blog soon. Around 3 days to more news of my SIP attachment. Who is my buddy for SIP? I wonder... ...
Being content is good enough, there is no need to be satisfied at most times.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:55 PM:-::
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
11 hours ago, My friend called me to play soccer in TP. Thinking that i haven't participate in any sports under the sun, i agreed to join my sec sch friends an hour later than the original 4pm suggested. Reach TP street soccer court at 5pm and found some of them quite surprised to see me. One of them even say that i become like a bad guy and have lots of GF. That really stunned me. I of course denied la. I am still a good boy mah.
Soon, they started and i am a goalkeeper for the most of the time. I am quite erratic for some reason, as i can make astonishing saves at times. As none of them have good goalkeeping skills, i am appointed to guard the goal. As time passes, the sun scorches on us for the half hour before 6pm. Time for break, i only leaked in 2 goals, while my team scored about 10 goals. Soon, 3 of my friends decided to relax and went home soon. I continued playing with the remaining 2 friends and other people. Team is reduced to 3-4 players and i start to be an outfield player soon enough.
After a while, it become quite dramatic. I scored a few goals, of which some are from good crosses. But then something happened... ...
Somewhere around sunset time, i incurred another stupid pain which is close to injury. I hope it will not be a nightmare for days to come as i am using my right hand to type this post now. What exactly happened? U all may ask that, ya? Well, while i am advancing to the opposition post, there are one defender near me. As i seek to turn around to dribble ball past him, i sort of entangled with the ball. That player then somehow able to get the ball away from me, but i am being sent flying like 360 degree. I fall and my left hand prevents me from lying flat on the ground. My left hand's balm below has a small spot of bruise and i escape injuries due to most of the impact dealt to the wrist strap part of my 25 hours watch. Had i not wore a watch, i would have been injured and not left with a few minor bruises and a mark at wrist area. And when i thought tats just about it, i stand up instantly to find that i actually sprained my left hand, somewhere just above joint of wrist and hand balm area. It is painful, but as long as i dun move my left hand that much, i will not feel muh pain.
And so, i continued playing as i assured everyone tat i still can kick ball around. Haha, soon the person that tackled the ball from me got hit in the face by a high ball. His specs was sent dropping to the ground, but he does not suffered as much pain as me. Small retribution huh? After tat, i become goalkeeper for a while and be outfield player soon as my team found out that i cannot save ball easily. Instantly, i dash out n dribbled the ball past a player and shoots into the net swiftly. It definitely surprises everyone as it is one of my best goals of the day. And luckily, i fell down soon but it is not a tough fall. That gives me a scare, but i found myself manage to stand up and run without additional pain. I ended playing by becoming goalkeeper for the last few minutes before 7:25pm. Went straight home soon feeling pain in my left hand.
Haizzz, hope can sleep well soon. And also, next few days i may stay at home resting, depending on whether my left hand can move freely without pain or not. If it is light activities, then i will go out ba. Last few years, i got sprain my hand before but it recover well soon. What about this time? It seems that it may take longer to heal. Hopes that is not the case though... ... This week started badly for me, will the rest of the week turns out to be better or even worse? Find out soon...
Endurance may be devastating, but some outcomes are determined by it.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 1:11 AM:-::
Monday, April 25, 2005
多事之秋 耶路撒冷 的天空
破碎的梦 应许之地 消失中
这纯粹的仇恨啊 你想证明的是什么
*我不应该 对你有任何遐想
就任冯你 无止无堇地诉说
You used to be like an angel but now a devil
多殘酷的笑話 我逃离我冷静不下來
就让仇恨随风 帶走伤 帶走痛
让眼淚不再流 为生命找个出口
当血染紅天空 却用爱 去承受
愿天使从废墟灰飞淹沒中 把爱降落*
--〉Thats sort of wat i feel yesterday ...
Being a noob is not fun at times. Although sometimes is good.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 12:54 AM:-::
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Less than 24 hours ago, I change the design of this blog and replace background music with a more soothing feeling and lyrics related to the current naruto theme. So no one except derrick claims that he knows the answer? Haha well, it shows that i am quite clever actually. Any changes made from today will not affect the guess, but may increase abit in difficulty huh? Jus want to say that it doesn't really matter. Haha another guessing game coming right up soon. For those who guess wat i change and where, Hint: Memory skill is needed in this current guess...
Back to my life, last few days quite relaxing... Monday nite, go to Ding Tai Fung to eat some sort of dumpling noodles, siew mais and Yam Xiao Long Bao. The food tastes good and is quite healthy as oil used for cooking is minimized for most foods. Most common cooking method in this restaurant is steaming, especially for tim sum like Yam Xiao Long Bao. But Ur pocket may hurts alot as siew mais and dumpling noodles are sort of over-priced. Owww, I should be considering myself fortunate to be able to eat such meals. Ended the day soon... Did u felt any hunger at this moment? Haha
Tuesday, went to share some old sega emulator games with yanjing. The roti prata that i ate with her and her bro in the coffeeshop nearby tastes quite nice and cheap too. Only $1 for 1 egg prata. There are some cute games like wani wani which for some technical reason, she cannot play on her com. Oh, how pity. I got randomly choose 15 games though, they are memories of the past. And i am surprised there is a game on Doraemon too. Hahaha, went home quite soon.
I stayed at home on wednesday, but go to TM n CS on thursday with friends. Walked around and ate long john silver's three piece spicy chicken meal. Ordered my meal by upsizing to the large drink. I was surprised how big it turn out to be. But I still drink it finish before anybody else. Haha, planned to visit TM again to buy some clothes for myself maybe soon, mayb not so soon. Must see how happy this week turns out to be. Haha, i got alot of things not yet buy, mayb 1 day buy them all. hmm, great idea huh? Mayb not so good afterall, oh well... ...
Friday, which is yesterday, i woke up rather in a special way. Found myself holding my small alarm clock with the alarm turned off and it was half an hour later. Woke up soon and was stunned to receive news from the company, Innosys pte ltd that i am selected. -.- Shock for more than 15 minutes, as i am not willing to be selected for some reasons. First, though i need to take bus 8 only, but i hates bus 8 for being quite slow and after alighting, u need to walk about 10 minutes then u can reach at the company's doorstep. Aww... taking Cab seems to be the only option to be able to reach on time. Bus 8 just wastes my time. Secondly, i dunno which BIT student is accompanying me for the SIP, but company representative told me there is another one. Got a feeling that he/she may make my life pretty miserable for the entire SIP. =.= As long as my SIP friend does not look terrifying, sounds horribly and cracks extreme lame jokes, i will be contented. But what are the chances? My premonition tells me that it may not seems to be good enough to spend the 4 months at the company. Arggg... hopes everything turns out well after May3.
In the noon, bought mac to derrick's house to watch some videos and play games ba. At nite, ate Yee mian nearby. Tastes great. Reached home soon after a rather unusual day. Mayb today i go out? Maybe... must see how also, hope i will not be surprised by anything before may3. And, oh ya... My counter for this site seems to be rising quite fast out of a sudden. Just only in the space of 10 minutes today, it increases by 2000+. I did not find any problem as i browse the counter admin page. Hmmmm, how mystery... Shall try to understand the situation soon. And finally before i go for a rest, here is a simple guessing game. Today post quite short ya, cos i jus briefly summarize what is happening this week. Hope none of u are dieing from laughter or hunger after this post. Hehe

What is in this wooden box?
Quite easy rite? I Dunno wan to give prize or not. Haha I will reveal the pic of wat is inside it soon to show the answer.
Chances are floating around everywhere, but good opportunities are quite scarce.
Just managed to find that it is actually derrick that is messing with my blog's counter. Somehow, he created a bo liao link made up using php codes and when people click on the link, my blog counter will increase quite fast. Arggg... Beware everyone especially yj, cos the next target mayb any of u. He made my day quite miserable... Sigh...
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 7:30 AM:-::
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Just updated my blog song to "Ba Ai Fang Kai" by F.I.R from their latest album -Wu Xian. These few days i spend time to tidy and rearrange my things. Till now, there are still alot of things to sort cos i buy alot of small small things and did not store them properly. Anyway, recently i thinkin about how good is cannon ixus700 digicam? I am not sure wat is the price, but i think should be quite ex. haha... So how are u all? Feeling bored? Y not read more newspapers, more magazines, play more games and perhaps some outdoor activities?
O Btw, still noone guess wat changes i made to WHICH website huh? Hope none of u can find it. Hahaha Mayb next few days i have more things to write about huh? Lets see... Hmmm a few more weeks of freedom left... Enjoy ur holidays everyone... Got to start playing some sports soon. Oh ya here is some interesting facts. See it if u haven't seen before.
Uses of Coca-ColaClean a Toilet Bowl Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Let the real thing sit for one hour, then brush and flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china
Remove Grease from Clothes Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy work clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular wash cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains
Remove Rust Spots from Chrome Car Bumpers Rubbing the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola will help remove rust spots
Loosen a Rusted Bolt Applying a cloth soaked in a carbonated soda to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
Clean Corrosion from Car Battery Terminals Pour a can of carbonated Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion
Bake a Moist Ham Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
Relieve Jelly Fish Stings Coke can also be used to relieve the sting from Jelly Fish. All you have to do is pour the Coke over the sting.
Clean Tile Grout Pour a can of Coca Cola on the tile. When wiped it up, the grout will be as white as can be!
Have Greener Grass Spray Coca-Cola on your grass once a month for super green grass which remains greener than other lawns throughout the fall and winter months. Also, for green grass and no bugs, combine: 1 can of coke, 1 cup of ammonia and 1/4 cup of dish soap. Spray on grass once a month.
Common Cold Remedy Take some fresh ginger and put it in a pot with a can of Coca Cola. Let it come to a boil and then cook on a low heat for a few minutes. Drink while warm. It will ease your cold symptoms!
Make a Tender Pot Roast When preparing a pot roast, use Coke instead of water. It tenderizes and imparts a unique flavor.
Get Rid of Bug and Road Film Got bug guts and road haze on you car windshield? Take a can of warm Coca Cola, shake and spray onto the windshield. Wipe it off and rinse and water, clean as could be!
Used as Marinade Remove Blood The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It's pa is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.
The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years.
Drink up.
Coca-Cola is a registered trademark of the Coca-Cola company. I am in no way affiliated with the Coca-Cola company.
If u r feeling too bored, y not try those above by urself. ^.^
Release something precious for something critical is heart breaking but is key to survival.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:59 PM:-::
Friday, April 15, 2005
Till today, i still cannot swallow this bitter pill unlike many other friends. Okok, i shall not tok about it temporary then. Well, in the space of two weeks, i have been to 2 chalets. Namely NSRCC and ArandaCC. Both are similar but none have really great activities in store. Last week, Had a BBQ. But this week, No BBQ or any great food. Last week, got water bomb. This week, got Final Judgement. Haha. A pity that no one in this week chalet wanna have any sort of outdoor activity like cycling at sunset time or jogging in the morning. So I will rate this chalet the same as last week chalet. Cos though there are some fun factor, the activities can be more diversified. Oh btw, my mum bought mahjong table and mahjong set weeks ago. Mayb i will find one day ask some of u come my house play then.
Just today, i made some changes to something to somewhere in some website. If any of u can find out what is it, i mayb consider treating the lucky person to something good ba. Haha. Tag in my blog if any of u find out what thing i change to wat site. The sooner the person guessed it, the better the prize. Hope you all enjoy... Sigh, dun blame me for blogging not so often though. If i feel good, i can even blog twice every day. Recently, itching to buy a digicam. But just not sure is it worth it or not? Hmmm, shall made a decision on this though.
BTW, I shall post some new pics in this blog soon too. Keep a lookout in the snapshotz section. I also shall organise some events for my friends hopefully soon. As for these few days, i shall tidy my room. It should be keeping me busy too. So see ya guys soon, these few days i am feeling better. Thanx for all ur advices though. My toe is recovering well soon, hopefully I will enjoy the rest of my holidays. **Off for some break**
Seeking new inspirations can change your mood somehow.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 1:10 AM:-::
Friday, April 08, 2005
I wish there is no tml. For me to continue living, it seems to be pointless. Got my results from sms just now. Almost flunked all. Got Ds, Got Cs and an A for opentech. Last sem no As, this sem no Bs. Ironic twist huh? My GPA is parachuting in free-fall mode now. If my estimation is not wrong, my overall GPA should be hovering about 2.8 only. I managed to escape from supp papers somehow, but i left a big wound in my heart in return. This result is the worst i get in my life. Others should be rejoicing about their wonderful results, but me? Suffering, blaming and hate myself for not doing well in studies this sem. Somehow, i feel that I had reached my limit as every decision that i made from the end of last sem turns out to be wrong. What should I do? I am just a step away from hell. SIGHzzz zzz
I choose the wrong CDS last sem. Even though i know more about food hygiene, the long hours in school whereby caused by 6pm cds lect, turns out to be unbearable for me. I devoted not much time in studies and often went to school with part of the brain functioning. My time management eventually turns out to be worse as my toe injury which i stupidly inflicted on myself, takes a huge toll at my remaining concentration level. And what's more, i don't think i have done anything well this year. Will my attachment be any better? Will I fall and never recover? Will there be anyone that may motivate me to spur onto greater heights from this moment? If you were me, what will you do next?
Signing off with sad mood... ...
Depression can make a person really isolated from this stressful world.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 7:38 PM:-::
Jerry's chaletMany people stayed from tuesday 4pm to wednesday 1020pm. This chalet is rather satisfying but can be better somehow. The fact that it is one of the biggest and spacious chalet in singapore makes staying there a worthwhile option. But there are only a few limited things. You can only play PS2, play mahjong, watch tv or sleep. Of course, if u wan to do other things like bowling or other stuffs, u need money to be able to afford it. One may wonder how jerry, jason and songboon spent the rest of the time surviving in the chalet. Hmmm...
Day 1 Waiting for the bus to the changi national service country club is annoying at times. The interval for a bus to come is rather long. Perhaps if a few more bus time slots are added, there will be more enjoyable times in the chalet. Wouldn't it be better? There are ppl playing PS2 and the most frequent played was winning eleven 8.
Others play mahjong. During day2 early morning, watch ppl play fatal frame 2. The scary moments are when the ghosts crept upon you and the background music at certain intervals changes. Rather exciting but if one person play on his/her own, it can prove to be rather frightening.
Day2Alot of people sleeping. But i am the last to sleep because i am actually semi-sleep while watching people play ps2. Woke up later at noon to find people playing bomberman jetters. Rather fun and amusing. At night, get to eat pizzas, spicy drumlets, garlic bread and chicken drumsticks. Hmmm, yummy... Those who leave early were a litte bit unlucky not to have eat it. Soon, some play ps2 and others play mahjong. Anyway, most of us left the chalet at 1020pm with some more last minutes photos. Reached home soon and fall asleep.
Hesitation may sometimes make you fall flat.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 12:59 AM:-::
Monday, April 04, 2005
1st AnniversaryI have added the naruto animated gifs in this blog from my OTBS project successfully. Have fun trying to destroy naruto with the blue sun cursor, haha. Finally, this blog is one year old. The color scheme in this blog can be considered naruto theme. With Orange represent Naruto, Black representing Sasuke, "Light red" representing Sakura, What more can fit this design? Well the chinese poem on the top right section can be viewed if you change encoding to unicode under the View tab of this window, i will change it occasionally when i find any interesting poem. Or if u have poems of other languages that are quite good, u can send me those words by email, sms or msn. A few other additions have been made, have fun surfing in this naruto theme blog of Hoehoe's. Remember, comments are welcome in the tagboard.
Poly Life up to nowYear 1 Sem 1I still remember some of the orientation day details vividly. Tat day morning, there was a drizzle. I arrived in TP rather early and i saw lots of people coming in from the bridge. And Jerry is the first person who talk to me in tp. Then after that, know michael during lunch. The day ends quite fast. Quite sad that there are nobody I know very well in my class and no pretty girls.
For the first half of the sem, i seldom tok to girls de. Mayb they not pretty enough? No la, i am a shy guy. It was until after an iiso lab lesson, jerry asked me join along to the canteen along with yj, jx and a few other girls. And so, from tat day onwards, i interact with girls in my class more often le. Because of jerry, i get to know many other friends too, like jackson, jason n gregory. Just wanna say a word thanks to you. I will appreciate ur invitation to ur chalet tml.
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Mr Benedict Fernandez(CarePerson)
Year 1 Sem 2This got to be one of the best sems in my poly life. I start to know ivy lee, shanyan, charlotte, sunny, chong guang and a few other new friends. And there are a chalet for TB29 and a guys only bbq at michael house. BTW, his house is only 500m+ from my house. So this sem is where everything went smoothly for me. Lots of outing with yj, jx and jackson too. From relaxing to east coast to play badminton to play pool, 4 of us are meeting together frequently. Plenty of friends, respectable results and fun leisure times can all be found in this semester. How i wish time can stop at this semester.This is the sem tat i took bpfp too. And of cause i get my desired full marks in biz stats test. WooHooooooooooooo...
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Mr Tan Poh Chuan(Biz Stats)
Year 2 Sem 1Longfei from sem 1 same class as me again.This sem, i meet derrick, selvin, faith and a few others. In comparison to year 1 sem 2, this sem somehow is one of my not so good sem. Not many new friends made, failed to get a lot of As except Z for MAFIT. Be a friend with Dora through yj. Was surprised somehow when i get DHL for this sem with the help of Yr1 Sem2 results. Nothing much to say here...
Oh Wait a minute, i remembered i made 3 good friends through my CDS - Productivity and Service Quality this sem. They are quiteful and add quite some spice to make this sem not so bad. Our project if i am not wrong, was on NTUC fairprice. We evaluate by coming up with a survey to check the quality of their service to the public. Luckily, me with yvonne(1 of 3 good friends) worked together to compile a quite good report. Whereas the other 2 good friends contributed, they somehow did not cooperate well. PSQ lessons are fun whenever i am with them though.
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Ms June Yeo(MAFIT), Mr Boh T J(PSQ) and Ms Phyllis Chong(CarePerson)
Year 2 Sem 2Ivy lee, gregory, jason, faith and mark are same class with me again. Gregory seems to enjoy himself alot this sem. Make some friends like jinchuan, brian and guohua this sem. With gregory, jinchuan, jason, ivy and me, we form group of five for POM and SAND. As for OrgBeh, me n ivy form a group with brian, mark and guohua. As for opentech, a group was formed with me, ivy and faith. Thus, me and ivy have become quite good friends this sem. I have change my image too with some help. I found out eventually that this sem is better than yr2 sem1 but alot worse than yr1 sem2. Why? Mayb cos my concentration and focus levels are higher in yr1 sem2 ba. And also, this sem, i incur a stupid injury. Somewhere between Dec04 and Jan05, i hurt my big left toe somehow accidentally. Only this few weeks, i attended to my injury with care. Hope i can get well soon. Sigh... My regret is not getting to know any of the girls in CDS-Food hygiene. Haha, Just kidding...
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Mr See-toh(Opentech)
Conclusion of 4 poly sems so farThough this 4 semesters finish in less than 2 years, i have some memories here and there. I have suffered more pains than many people as a result of my seeking of perfection. Of Cos, I have some joys but somehow i realised they are far few and limited. From yr1 sem2 to yr2 sem2, i know bevan, huiling, kris, yongxiang, nicolas, fude, agu and a few others which i can't remember at the moment. I enjoyed year 1, contented with year 2, dreaded year 3? LOL, hope Year 3 will be going well with the aid of a good attachment in the upcoming SIP. Well, i shall get a rest for now. Tml shall be a better day for me, ya?
If u ignore a person's existence, don't blame that person for not helping you in furtue.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:59 PM:-::
Sunday, April 03, 2005
So far, after some hours of figuring out, i have decided to design my blog until like this. I wonder if there is any lag in this blog. Hmmm, I have tried a few times and it isn't that much laggy. So comment on my tagboard about the layout, colour scheme and whether it is lag or not. I feel that this blog is better and more user friendly, ya? Feeling satisfied now but this blog may not be the final version yet. Oh well, i am excited myself. 1 day left to 1 year old for this blog. Amazing isn't it?
Ok, next tues, jerry's chalet is up next. How fun can such a chalet be? I have still not yet decide on whether to go 2 days 1 night or 3 days 2 night. I know alot of others are staying for 3 days. Haha, i shall decide by tml then. Btw, TP results will be known by the end of this coming week. Any of u scared? I am shivering in fear... Haha As long i pass, i am a happy man le. I have learnt a lot of lessons this sem. Hope god can bless me... <- Some are consolation words... Ignore part of it at ur own discretion.
And also, hav fun exploring my blog. There are a few things that are quite interesting, a hidden music on/off select option n a few others. Have fun finding that hidden thing. Off to relax now... see ya tml... I will add some thing to my blog soon to celebrate 1 year old blog. Mayb there mayb a few other surprises? Who knows...
Weather can change a person's mood. Stay calm and dun let it affect you.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 5:15 PM:-::
Saturday, April 02, 2005
I only have some things to say after my interview at innosys pte ltd today. One of which is that nothing much went smoothly for me for the past few months. Performance < expectation = absolute unsatisfication for me. Enough about this... Now i shall talk about what happens today. At about 1130am, an insurance agent which is my mum's old friend as well came over to talk about my dad's investment policy as well as introducing the medical cpf policy and retirement account policy. This time round, i understand better what she says to my dad better than wat i understand 2 years ago when she last come to my house. Yeah, i guess studying BPFP as a CDS helps somehow.
As far as i know, medical cpf policy is about paying a yearly fixed sum according to age from the medisave account. Should there be any injuries or accidents after the first year, my family member will be compensated for at least 30% of bill. The advantages are that many and so every family members bought the policy which is paid from my dad's account temporary. Its a good policy that is introduced in recent years only. Next, regarding the retirement account which is also known as special account, it can be moved to the great eastern company there. If my dad continues to live to a ripe age, every month he can get $230+ non stop without fail. This policy is pretty good, but my mum somehow objects and the plan to start this retirement policy has been put on hold. At about 3pm, i start on my journey to my SIP interview... ...
After waiting for 15 minutes, i gave up waiting for bus 8 as it probably will make me late. As such i took a cab and it only took me about 20 minutes to reach there. Cab driver is a female and i heard she say her nephew who is now one year old is made a vegetarian and became sick recently. Wow, that is shocking. Time to step out of soon, Cab fare only $7.20. As such, i arrived a bit early and i located the company fairly easily. Seeing that it is only 340pm, i went to the toilet near the company that i will be going in soon. I entered the Innosys company at 350pm and was told to have a seat to wait for mr lam.
When he finally appeared, he told me to fill in the application letter. After completing, he went back to his office inside and came out much later. He then leads me to a room and tell me to start a test, part by part. Section A, 15 marks, 15 qns, but only 10 minutes. As expected of myself, i answered only 10qns. The qns are logical thinking as each qn is a series of alphabets and requires you to fill in what alphabet is in the next blank. Head starting to feel pain as i am unaware of such test in the first place. He came in the room for the second time 10 minutes later and handed me another paper to answer section B. 39 qns, 39 marks, but only 20 minutes. Arggg..., This time round, it is identifying the missing shape in the 9th square in a box. I only can finish 25 qns like that. Pretty slow, yah. =.= For each shape, there is alot of parts attached to it and some qns got 8 choices for the correct shape. OMG, my head really hurts cos recently i did not interact with shapes cos of exams. If given some preparation, i can score quite well. I reckon i can get around 30/54 at the end of it though. Quite bad.
After that, comes the interviewing section for my attachment in another room. I was asked y i choose Dip in BIT, like to do java programmings or handle support. Of cos, i choose support la, cos i know my opentech sux n i know nuts about java. He also asked what subjects i liked and whether i regret choosing Dip in BIT or not. I answered by stating biz stats, accounting, Networked Multimedia and a few others. Oh my, he also ask what i know about testing. And i reply by saying it can be done with the help of prototyping through various stages to gradually refine the system. After that, he explained a bit and it is near similar to wat i say though. Some other qns he asked are regarding to CCAs, family backgrounds and y choose to enter poly instead of college. Btw, he says innosys pte ltd is a company that is developing softwares for intermediaries to transfer larger parcels from one place to another.
One big mistake i made today is i forgot bring my portfolio, but he says i only need to scan my recent results slip plus O level certificate to him by email which i did dutifully just now. Sigh, i am quite nervous throughout the whole process. I know i can do alot better, if not for lack of experiences and lack of revision of CommSkills. Do i deserve some slaps from each of u reading this post huh? Anyway, reach home soon as i walked a long way(5mins) to the nearest bus stop that has bus 8. It took me 50 minutes to reach home. My remaining energy is depleted thereafter as i rest from just now to about 12 am just now. So are there any of u feeling tired now? This is possibly the longest post i have typed so far. As a sidenote, this blog will be 1 year old coming april 4th. As such, this post is some sort of a countdown. Currently, i am still designing this blog as i opt for a creative type of design. Still not that satisfied with the layout, never mind, i shall figure it out then. To my friends who commented on this new blog design, thanks for your comments in helping me a bit more.
2 days left!!!
Remembering what u have learnt so far in life is useful in Interviews.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 2:40 AM:-::
Friday, April 29, 2005
SENTOSA MANIAThursday, from 10am to 8pm, me and 10 other friends were in sentosa. After eating mac breakfast in the morning, we immediately set off for sentosa siloso beach. We played volleyball at first, but as most of us dunno how to hit the ball properly, some of us begin to give up playing that soon. One by one, all of us went into the water soon. I only swim abit along the shore as my left big toe and my left hand not yet fully recover yet. So there i am, playing water as i enjoy the cooling water. But the water is too salty somehow, it irritates my eyes and throat. Some of us play monkey game using the volleyball in water soon. I am monkey for quite long and then they find it boring.
Some of them then bury their legs in the sand. I find it interesting as i join them but i am buried from neck to toe. Haha, it gives me a idea to shoot a horror movie myself. Because i virtually camouflage myself with the white sand easily as i rises from the sand... If there is such a horror movie, mayb can name it as "The Sand Man". The setting will be at night where nobody can notice whether i am in the sand or not since my skin is so white and smooth. I can then sneak attack on people easily. He he... Mayb one day, can try shooting short clip and see the effect how.
At about 3pm+, they want to go to palawan beach. So all of us took a bus to there. The bus quite slow, but i guess mayb it is to prevent collision with people and peacocks there ba. Hmmm strange, y r there peacocks but no monkeys or other animals, mayb any of u know? 6 of them therefore went up the 3rd float there and tanning themselves. They even ask one of the 3 ppl(including me) on the bench to take pictures while posing on the float. lol, btw life guard is not happy with this somehow, but he closed one eye as it is not peak days. The remaining two, who are nic and huiling go walk walk on their own. Dunno they got cycle or not. Oh wat a couple... Haha, rest for some moments on the bench. At about 6pm, we went to the southern most point of Asia which is a bridge over waters leading to 2 4-storey buildings for viewing sceneries. u can see merlion from there too and lots of ships passing by the waters of Singapore.
And then, we crossed the bridge over and walked to 7-11 store to buy somethings. While i am looking around for some drink, they all left for the tram ride and left me behind alone. At that moment, i feel like i am like naruto, gaara or sasuke. Being alone, and nobody cares for u. Living in another world where u survive on your own by struggling for survival. Haizzz, they did come back to pick me up soon as we went to take the blue bus back to the siloso beach to take a bath at the toilets there. After a nice bath, i was feeling all hot over my body. A while later, we walked to the nearest stop to take the blue bus back to sentosa entrance where the bus is just waiting for us to board it. So it is 8pm when we reached harbourfront once again. Ivy lee then parted from us to go back home to have her dinner. We proceeded into harbourfront shopping centre to eat our dinner. We decided to eat at the food court there. Surprisingly, all of us eat noodles type of food except yj, who eat rice with yong tau foo. So 10 of us happily chatted and eat finish soon. We took MRT home whereas Agu has to go Holland village to accompany other friends. Anyway, hope agu has been visiting my blog n tag about how good my blog looks to her.
Went home and felt hot but not until today.
Today, i woke up to find that a stretch of height 10cm horizontally around the area of my nose got yellow-white thing oozing n form yellow substances. Mayb my face are too sunburn already. My skin turns reddish brown and only the lower part of my legs got tanned. Feels like a million needles stitching on my back and face kept got liquid oozing out of skin cells. Every 15 minutes got to wipe my face, or else i look like gaara whose sand covers his face instantly. lol. Argg, luckily yesterday is not the hottest day as there was some rain in the morning. Today, rest myself, watch tv and listen to music whole day as my shoulder joints are aching. Ok see ya, i shall blog soon. Around 3 days to more news of my SIP attachment. Who is my buddy for SIP? I wonder... ...
Being content is good enough, there is no need to be satisfied at most times.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:55 PM:-::
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
11 hours ago, My friend called me to play soccer in TP. Thinking that i haven't participate in any sports under the sun, i agreed to join my sec sch friends an hour later than the original 4pm suggested. Reach TP street soccer court at 5pm and found some of them quite surprised to see me. One of them even say that i become like a bad guy and have lots of GF. That really stunned me. I of course denied la. I am still a good boy mah.
Soon, they started and i am a goalkeeper for the most of the time. I am quite erratic for some reason, as i can make astonishing saves at times. As none of them have good goalkeeping skills, i am appointed to guard the goal. As time passes, the sun scorches on us for the half hour before 6pm. Time for break, i only leaked in 2 goals, while my team scored about 10 goals. Soon, 3 of my friends decided to relax and went home soon. I continued playing with the remaining 2 friends and other people. Team is reduced to 3-4 players and i start to be an outfield player soon enough.
After a while, it become quite dramatic. I scored a few goals, of which some are from good crosses. But then something happened... ...
Somewhere around sunset time, i incurred another stupid pain which is close to injury. I hope it will not be a nightmare for days to come as i am using my right hand to type this post now. What exactly happened? U all may ask that, ya? Well, while i am advancing to the opposition post, there are one defender near me. As i seek to turn around to dribble ball past him, i sort of entangled with the ball. That player then somehow able to get the ball away from me, but i am being sent flying like 360 degree. I fall and my left hand prevents me from lying flat on the ground. My left hand's balm below has a small spot of bruise and i escape injuries due to most of the impact dealt to the wrist strap part of my 25 hours watch. Had i not wore a watch, i would have been injured and not left with a few minor bruises and a mark at wrist area. And when i thought tats just about it, i stand up instantly to find that i actually sprained my left hand, somewhere just above joint of wrist and hand balm area. It is painful, but as long as i dun move my left hand that much, i will not feel muh pain.
And so, i continued playing as i assured everyone tat i still can kick ball around. Haha, soon the person that tackled the ball from me got hit in the face by a high ball. His specs was sent dropping to the ground, but he does not suffered as much pain as me. Small retribution huh? After tat, i become goalkeeper for a while and be outfield player soon as my team found out that i cannot save ball easily. Instantly, i dash out n dribbled the ball past a player and shoots into the net swiftly. It definitely surprises everyone as it is one of my best goals of the day. And luckily, i fell down soon but it is not a tough fall. That gives me a scare, but i found myself manage to stand up and run without additional pain. I ended playing by becoming goalkeeper for the last few minutes before 7:25pm. Went straight home soon feeling pain in my left hand.
Haizzz, hope can sleep well soon. And also, next few days i may stay at home resting, depending on whether my left hand can move freely without pain or not. If it is light activities, then i will go out ba. Last few years, i got sprain my hand before but it recover well soon. What about this time? It seems that it may take longer to heal. Hopes that is not the case though... ... This week started badly for me, will the rest of the week turns out to be better or even worse? Find out soon...
Endurance may be devastating, but some outcomes are determined by it.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 1:11 AM:-::
Monday, April 25, 2005
多事之秋 耶路撒冷 的天空
破碎的梦 应许之地 消失中
这纯粹的仇恨啊 你想证明的是什么
*我不应该 对你有任何遐想
就任冯你 无止无堇地诉说
You used to be like an angel but now a devil
多殘酷的笑話 我逃离我冷静不下來
就让仇恨随风 帶走伤 帶走痛
让眼淚不再流 为生命找个出口
当血染紅天空 却用爱 去承受
愿天使从废墟灰飞淹沒中 把爱降落*
--〉Thats sort of wat i feel yesterday ...
Being a noob is not fun at times. Although sometimes is good.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 12:54 AM:-::
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Less than 24 hours ago, I change the design of this blog and replace background music with a more soothing feeling and lyrics related to the current naruto theme. So no one except derrick claims that he knows the answer? Haha well, it shows that i am quite clever actually. Any changes made from today will not affect the guess, but may increase abit in difficulty huh? Jus want to say that it doesn't really matter. Haha another guessing game coming right up soon. For those who guess wat i change and where, Hint: Memory skill is needed in this current guess...
Back to my life, last few days quite relaxing... Monday nite, go to Ding Tai Fung to eat some sort of dumpling noodles, siew mais and Yam Xiao Long Bao. The food tastes good and is quite healthy as oil used for cooking is minimized for most foods. Most common cooking method in this restaurant is steaming, especially for tim sum like Yam Xiao Long Bao. But Ur pocket may hurts alot as siew mais and dumpling noodles are sort of over-priced. Owww, I should be considering myself fortunate to be able to eat such meals. Ended the day soon... Did u felt any hunger at this moment? Haha
Tuesday, went to share some old sega emulator games with yanjing. The roti prata that i ate with her and her bro in the coffeeshop nearby tastes quite nice and cheap too. Only $1 for 1 egg prata. There are some cute games like wani wani which for some technical reason, she cannot play on her com. Oh, how pity. I got randomly choose 15 games though, they are memories of the past. And i am surprised there is a game on Doraemon too. Hahaha, went home quite soon.
I stayed at home on wednesday, but go to TM n CS on thursday with friends. Walked around and ate long john silver's three piece spicy chicken meal. Ordered my meal by upsizing to the large drink. I was surprised how big it turn out to be. But I still drink it finish before anybody else. Haha, planned to visit TM again to buy some clothes for myself maybe soon, mayb not so soon. Must see how happy this week turns out to be. Haha, i got alot of things not yet buy, mayb 1 day buy them all. hmm, great idea huh? Mayb not so good afterall, oh well... ...
Friday, which is yesterday, i woke up rather in a special way. Found myself holding my small alarm clock with the alarm turned off and it was half an hour later. Woke up soon and was stunned to receive news from the company, Innosys pte ltd that i am selected. -.- Shock for more than 15 minutes, as i am not willing to be selected for some reasons. First, though i need to take bus 8 only, but i hates bus 8 for being quite slow and after alighting, u need to walk about 10 minutes then u can reach at the company's doorstep. Aww... taking Cab seems to be the only option to be able to reach on time. Bus 8 just wastes my time. Secondly, i dunno which BIT student is accompanying me for the SIP, but company representative told me there is another one. Got a feeling that he/she may make my life pretty miserable for the entire SIP. =.= As long as my SIP friend does not look terrifying, sounds horribly and cracks extreme lame jokes, i will be contented. But what are the chances? My premonition tells me that it may not seems to be good enough to spend the 4 months at the company. Arggg... hopes everything turns out well after May3.
In the noon, bought mac to derrick's house to watch some videos and play games ba. At nite, ate Yee mian nearby. Tastes great. Reached home soon after a rather unusual day. Mayb today i go out? Maybe... must see how also, hope i will not be surprised by anything before may3. And, oh ya... My counter for this site seems to be rising quite fast out of a sudden. Just only in the space of 10 minutes today, it increases by 2000+. I did not find any problem as i browse the counter admin page. Hmmmm, how mystery... Shall try to understand the situation soon. And finally before i go for a rest, here is a simple guessing game. Today post quite short ya, cos i jus briefly summarize what is happening this week. Hope none of u are dieing from laughter or hunger after this post. Hehe

What is in this wooden box?
Quite easy rite? I Dunno wan to give prize or not. Haha I will reveal the pic of wat is inside it soon to show the answer.
Chances are floating around everywhere, but good opportunities are quite scarce.
Just managed to find that it is actually derrick that is messing with my blog's counter. Somehow, he created a bo liao link made up using php codes and when people click on the link, my blog counter will increase quite fast. Arggg... Beware everyone especially yj, cos the next target mayb any of u. He made my day quite miserable... Sigh...
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 7:30 AM:-::
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Just updated my blog song to "Ba Ai Fang Kai" by F.I.R from their latest album -Wu Xian. These few days i spend time to tidy and rearrange my things. Till now, there are still alot of things to sort cos i buy alot of small small things and did not store them properly. Anyway, recently i thinkin about how good is cannon ixus700 digicam? I am not sure wat is the price, but i think should be quite ex. haha... So how are u all? Feeling bored? Y not read more newspapers, more magazines, play more games and perhaps some outdoor activities?
O Btw, still noone guess wat changes i made to WHICH website huh? Hope none of u can find it. Hahaha Mayb next few days i have more things to write about huh? Lets see... Hmmm a few more weeks of freedom left... Enjoy ur holidays everyone... Got to start playing some sports soon. Oh ya here is some interesting facts. See it if u haven't seen before.
Uses of Coca-ColaClean a Toilet Bowl Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Let the real thing sit for one hour, then brush and flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china
Remove Grease from Clothes Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy work clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular wash cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains
Remove Rust Spots from Chrome Car Bumpers Rubbing the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola will help remove rust spots
Loosen a Rusted Bolt Applying a cloth soaked in a carbonated soda to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
Clean Corrosion from Car Battery Terminals Pour a can of carbonated Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion
Bake a Moist Ham Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
Relieve Jelly Fish Stings Coke can also be used to relieve the sting from Jelly Fish. All you have to do is pour the Coke over the sting.
Clean Tile Grout Pour a can of Coca Cola on the tile. When wiped it up, the grout will be as white as can be!
Have Greener Grass Spray Coca-Cola on your grass once a month for super green grass which remains greener than other lawns throughout the fall and winter months. Also, for green grass and no bugs, combine: 1 can of coke, 1 cup of ammonia and 1/4 cup of dish soap. Spray on grass once a month.
Common Cold Remedy Take some fresh ginger and put it in a pot with a can of Coca Cola. Let it come to a boil and then cook on a low heat for a few minutes. Drink while warm. It will ease your cold symptoms!
Make a Tender Pot Roast When preparing a pot roast, use Coke instead of water. It tenderizes and imparts a unique flavor.
Get Rid of Bug and Road Film Got bug guts and road haze on you car windshield? Take a can of warm Coca Cola, shake and spray onto the windshield. Wipe it off and rinse and water, clean as could be!
Used as Marinade Remove Blood The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It's pa is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.
The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years.
Drink up.
Coca-Cola is a registered trademark of the Coca-Cola company. I am in no way affiliated with the Coca-Cola company.
If u r feeling too bored, y not try those above by urself. ^.^
Release something precious for something critical is heart breaking but is key to survival.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:59 PM:-::
Friday, April 15, 2005
Till today, i still cannot swallow this bitter pill unlike many other friends. Okok, i shall not tok about it temporary then. Well, in the space of two weeks, i have been to 2 chalets. Namely NSRCC and ArandaCC. Both are similar but none have really great activities in store. Last week, Had a BBQ. But this week, No BBQ or any great food. Last week, got water bomb. This week, got Final Judgement. Haha. A pity that no one in this week chalet wanna have any sort of outdoor activity like cycling at sunset time or jogging in the morning. So I will rate this chalet the same as last week chalet. Cos though there are some fun factor, the activities can be more diversified. Oh btw, my mum bought mahjong table and mahjong set weeks ago. Mayb i will find one day ask some of u come my house play then.
Just today, i made some changes to something to somewhere in some website. If any of u can find out what is it, i mayb consider treating the lucky person to something good ba. Haha. Tag in my blog if any of u find out what thing i change to wat site. The sooner the person guessed it, the better the prize. Hope you all enjoy... Sigh, dun blame me for blogging not so often though. If i feel good, i can even blog twice every day. Recently, itching to buy a digicam. But just not sure is it worth it or not? Hmmm, shall made a decision on this though.
BTW, I shall post some new pics in this blog soon too. Keep a lookout in the snapshotz section. I also shall organise some events for my friends hopefully soon. As for these few days, i shall tidy my room. It should be keeping me busy too. So see ya guys soon, these few days i am feeling better. Thanx for all ur advices though. My toe is recovering well soon, hopefully I will enjoy the rest of my holidays. **Off for some break**
Seeking new inspirations can change your mood somehow.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 1:10 AM:-::
Friday, April 08, 2005
I wish there is no tml. For me to continue living, it seems to be pointless. Got my results from sms just now. Almost flunked all. Got Ds, Got Cs and an A for opentech. Last sem no As, this sem no Bs. Ironic twist huh? My GPA is parachuting in free-fall mode now. If my estimation is not wrong, my overall GPA should be hovering about 2.8 only. I managed to escape from supp papers somehow, but i left a big wound in my heart in return. This result is the worst i get in my life. Others should be rejoicing about their wonderful results, but me? Suffering, blaming and hate myself for not doing well in studies this sem. Somehow, i feel that I had reached my limit as every decision that i made from the end of last sem turns out to be wrong. What should I do? I am just a step away from hell. SIGHzzz zzz
I choose the wrong CDS last sem. Even though i know more about food hygiene, the long hours in school whereby caused by 6pm cds lect, turns out to be unbearable for me. I devoted not much time in studies and often went to school with part of the brain functioning. My time management eventually turns out to be worse as my toe injury which i stupidly inflicted on myself, takes a huge toll at my remaining concentration level. And what's more, i don't think i have done anything well this year. Will my attachment be any better? Will I fall and never recover? Will there be anyone that may motivate me to spur onto greater heights from this moment? If you were me, what will you do next?
Signing off with sad mood... ...
Depression can make a person really isolated from this stressful world.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 7:38 PM:-::
Jerry's chaletMany people stayed from tuesday 4pm to wednesday 1020pm. This chalet is rather satisfying but can be better somehow. The fact that it is one of the biggest and spacious chalet in singapore makes staying there a worthwhile option. But there are only a few limited things. You can only play PS2, play mahjong, watch tv or sleep. Of course, if u wan to do other things like bowling or other stuffs, u need money to be able to afford it. One may wonder how jerry, jason and songboon spent the rest of the time surviving in the chalet. Hmmm...
Day 1 Waiting for the bus to the changi national service country club is annoying at times. The interval for a bus to come is rather long. Perhaps if a few more bus time slots are added, there will be more enjoyable times in the chalet. Wouldn't it be better? There are ppl playing PS2 and the most frequent played was winning eleven 8.
Others play mahjong. During day2 early morning, watch ppl play fatal frame 2. The scary moments are when the ghosts crept upon you and the background music at certain intervals changes. Rather exciting but if one person play on his/her own, it can prove to be rather frightening.
Day2Alot of people sleeping. But i am the last to sleep because i am actually semi-sleep while watching people play ps2. Woke up later at noon to find people playing bomberman jetters. Rather fun and amusing. At night, get to eat pizzas, spicy drumlets, garlic bread and chicken drumsticks. Hmmm, yummy... Those who leave early were a litte bit unlucky not to have eat it. Soon, some play ps2 and others play mahjong. Anyway, most of us left the chalet at 1020pm with some more last minutes photos. Reached home soon and fall asleep.
Hesitation may sometimes make you fall flat.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 12:59 AM:-::
Monday, April 04, 2005
1st AnniversaryI have added the naruto animated gifs in this blog from my OTBS project successfully. Have fun trying to destroy naruto with the blue sun cursor, haha. Finally, this blog is one year old. The color scheme in this blog can be considered naruto theme. With Orange represent Naruto, Black representing Sasuke, "Light red" representing Sakura, What more can fit this design? Well the chinese poem on the top right section can be viewed if you change encoding to unicode under the View tab of this window, i will change it occasionally when i find any interesting poem. Or if u have poems of other languages that are quite good, u can send me those words by email, sms or msn. A few other additions have been made, have fun surfing in this naruto theme blog of Hoehoe's. Remember, comments are welcome in the tagboard.
Poly Life up to nowYear 1 Sem 1I still remember some of the orientation day details vividly. Tat day morning, there was a drizzle. I arrived in TP rather early and i saw lots of people coming in from the bridge. And Jerry is the first person who talk to me in tp. Then after that, know michael during lunch. The day ends quite fast. Quite sad that there are nobody I know very well in my class and no pretty girls.
For the first half of the sem, i seldom tok to girls de. Mayb they not pretty enough? No la, i am a shy guy. It was until after an iiso lab lesson, jerry asked me join along to the canteen along with yj, jx and a few other girls. And so, from tat day onwards, i interact with girls in my class more often le. Because of jerry, i get to know many other friends too, like jackson, jason n gregory. Just wanna say a word thanks to you. I will appreciate ur invitation to ur chalet tml.
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Mr Benedict Fernandez(CarePerson)
Year 1 Sem 2This got to be one of the best sems in my poly life. I start to know ivy lee, shanyan, charlotte, sunny, chong guang and a few other new friends. And there are a chalet for TB29 and a guys only bbq at michael house. BTW, his house is only 500m+ from my house. So this sem is where everything went smoothly for me. Lots of outing with yj, jx and jackson too. From relaxing to east coast to play badminton to play pool, 4 of us are meeting together frequently. Plenty of friends, respectable results and fun leisure times can all be found in this semester. How i wish time can stop at this semester.This is the sem tat i took bpfp too. And of cause i get my desired full marks in biz stats test. WooHooooooooooooo...
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Mr Tan Poh Chuan(Biz Stats)
Year 2 Sem 1Longfei from sem 1 same class as me again.This sem, i meet derrick, selvin, faith and a few others. In comparison to year 1 sem 2, this sem somehow is one of my not so good sem. Not many new friends made, failed to get a lot of As except Z for MAFIT. Be a friend with Dora through yj. Was surprised somehow when i get DHL for this sem with the help of Yr1 Sem2 results. Nothing much to say here...
Oh Wait a minute, i remembered i made 3 good friends through my CDS - Productivity and Service Quality this sem. They are quiteful and add quite some spice to make this sem not so bad. Our project if i am not wrong, was on NTUC fairprice. We evaluate by coming up with a survey to check the quality of their service to the public. Luckily, me with yvonne(1 of 3 good friends) worked together to compile a quite good report. Whereas the other 2 good friends contributed, they somehow did not cooperate well. PSQ lessons are fun whenever i am with them though.
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Ms June Yeo(MAFIT), Mr Boh T J(PSQ) and Ms Phyllis Chong(CarePerson)
Year 2 Sem 2Ivy lee, gregory, jason, faith and mark are same class with me again. Gregory seems to enjoy himself alot this sem. Make some friends like jinchuan, brian and guohua this sem. With gregory, jinchuan, jason, ivy and me, we form group of five for POM and SAND. As for OrgBeh, me n ivy form a group with brian, mark and guohua. As for opentech, a group was formed with me, ivy and faith. Thus, me and ivy have become quite good friends this sem. I have change my image too with some help. I found out eventually that this sem is better than yr2 sem1 but alot worse than yr1 sem2. Why? Mayb cos my concentration and focus levels are higher in yr1 sem2 ba. And also, this sem, i incur a stupid injury. Somewhere between Dec04 and Jan05, i hurt my big left toe somehow accidentally. Only this few weeks, i attended to my injury with care. Hope i can get well soon. Sigh... My regret is not getting to know any of the girls in CDS-Food hygiene. Haha, Just kidding...
My Teacher(s) of this sem: Mr See-toh(Opentech)
Conclusion of 4 poly sems so farThough this 4 semesters finish in less than 2 years, i have some memories here and there. I have suffered more pains than many people as a result of my seeking of perfection. Of Cos, I have some joys but somehow i realised they are far few and limited. From yr1 sem2 to yr2 sem2, i know bevan, huiling, kris, yongxiang, nicolas, fude, agu and a few others which i can't remember at the moment. I enjoyed year 1, contented with year 2, dreaded year 3? LOL, hope Year 3 will be going well with the aid of a good attachment in the upcoming SIP. Well, i shall get a rest for now. Tml shall be a better day for me, ya?
If u ignore a person's existence, don't blame that person for not helping you in furtue.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:59 PM:-::
Sunday, April 03, 2005
So far, after some hours of figuring out, i have decided to design my blog until like this. I wonder if there is any lag in this blog. Hmmm, I have tried a few times and it isn't that much laggy. So comment on my tagboard about the layout, colour scheme and whether it is lag or not. I feel that this blog is better and more user friendly, ya? Feeling satisfied now but this blog may not be the final version yet. Oh well, i am excited myself. 1 day left to 1 year old for this blog. Amazing isn't it?
Ok, next tues, jerry's chalet is up next. How fun can such a chalet be? I have still not yet decide on whether to go 2 days 1 night or 3 days 2 night. I know alot of others are staying for 3 days. Haha, i shall decide by tml then. Btw, TP results will be known by the end of this coming week. Any of u scared? I am shivering in fear... Haha As long i pass, i am a happy man le. I have learnt a lot of lessons this sem. Hope god can bless me... <- Some are consolation words... Ignore part of it at ur own discretion.
And also, hav fun exploring my blog. There are a few things that are quite interesting, a hidden music on/off select option n a few others. Have fun finding that hidden thing. Off to relax now... see ya tml... I will add some thing to my blog soon to celebrate 1 year old blog. Mayb there mayb a few other surprises? Who knows...
Weather can change a person's mood. Stay calm and dun let it affect you.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 5:15 PM:-::
Saturday, April 02, 2005
I only have some things to say after my interview at innosys pte ltd today. One of which is that nothing much went smoothly for me for the past few months. Performance < expectation = absolute unsatisfication for me. Enough about this... Now i shall talk about what happens today. At about 1130am, an insurance agent which is my mum's old friend as well came over to talk about my dad's investment policy as well as introducing the medical cpf policy and retirement account policy. This time round, i understand better what she says to my dad better than wat i understand 2 years ago when she last come to my house. Yeah, i guess studying BPFP as a CDS helps somehow.
As far as i know, medical cpf policy is about paying a yearly fixed sum according to age from the medisave account. Should there be any injuries or accidents after the first year, my family member will be compensated for at least 30% of bill. The advantages are that many and so every family members bought the policy which is paid from my dad's account temporary. Its a good policy that is introduced in recent years only. Next, regarding the retirement account which is also known as special account, it can be moved to the great eastern company there. If my dad continues to live to a ripe age, every month he can get $230+ non stop without fail. This policy is pretty good, but my mum somehow objects and the plan to start this retirement policy has been put on hold. At about 3pm, i start on my journey to my SIP interview... ...
After waiting for 15 minutes, i gave up waiting for bus 8 as it probably will make me late. As such i took a cab and it only took me about 20 minutes to reach there. Cab driver is a female and i heard she say her nephew who is now one year old is made a vegetarian and became sick recently. Wow, that is shocking. Time to step out of soon, Cab fare only $7.20. As such, i arrived a bit early and i located the company fairly easily. Seeing that it is only 340pm, i went to the toilet near the company that i will be going in soon. I entered the Innosys company at 350pm and was told to have a seat to wait for mr lam.
When he finally appeared, he told me to fill in the application letter. After completing, he went back to his office inside and came out much later. He then leads me to a room and tell me to start a test, part by part. Section A, 15 marks, 15 qns, but only 10 minutes. As expected of myself, i answered only 10qns. The qns are logical thinking as each qn is a series of alphabets and requires you to fill in what alphabet is in the next blank. Head starting to feel pain as i am unaware of such test in the first place. He came in the room for the second time 10 minutes later and handed me another paper to answer section B. 39 qns, 39 marks, but only 20 minutes. Arggg..., This time round, it is identifying the missing shape in the 9th square in a box. I only can finish 25 qns like that. Pretty slow, yah. =.= For each shape, there is alot of parts attached to it and some qns got 8 choices for the correct shape. OMG, my head really hurts cos recently i did not interact with shapes cos of exams. If given some preparation, i can score quite well. I reckon i can get around 30/54 at the end of it though. Quite bad.
After that, comes the interviewing section for my attachment in another room. I was asked y i choose Dip in BIT, like to do java programmings or handle support. Of cos, i choose support la, cos i know my opentech sux n i know nuts about java. He also asked what subjects i liked and whether i regret choosing Dip in BIT or not. I answered by stating biz stats, accounting, Networked Multimedia and a few others. Oh my, he also ask what i know about testing. And i reply by saying it can be done with the help of prototyping through various stages to gradually refine the system. After that, he explained a bit and it is near similar to wat i say though. Some other qns he asked are regarding to CCAs, family backgrounds and y choose to enter poly instead of college. Btw, he says innosys pte ltd is a company that is developing softwares for intermediaries to transfer larger parcels from one place to another.
One big mistake i made today is i forgot bring my portfolio, but he says i only need to scan my recent results slip plus O level certificate to him by email which i did dutifully just now. Sigh, i am quite nervous throughout the whole process. I know i can do alot better, if not for lack of experiences and lack of revision of CommSkills. Do i deserve some slaps from each of u reading this post huh? Anyway, reach home soon as i walked a long way(5mins) to the nearest bus stop that has bus 8. It took me 50 minutes to reach home. My remaining energy is depleted thereafter as i rest from just now to about 12 am just now. So are there any of u feeling tired now? This is possibly the longest post i have typed so far. As a sidenote, this blog will be 1 year old coming april 4th. As such, this post is some sort of a countdown. Currently, i am still designing this blog as i opt for a creative type of design. Still not that satisfied with the layout, never mind, i shall figure it out then. To my friends who commented on this new blog design, thanks for your comments in helping me a bit more.
2 days left!!!
Remembering what u have learnt so far in life is useful in Interviews.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 2:40 AM:-::