ChoNg GuaNg
Size- A bit more to macho
Skill- Mimic
Fav.Quote- "Gu Niang"
ChoNg GhEe
Size- Quite fit
Skill- Leadership
Fav.Quote- "Tml will be better"
GreGory Chua
Size- Fitter than yesterday
Skill- Creativity
Fav.Quote- "Wan to eat Subway?"
JeRRy SeNg
Size- A bit funky
Skill- Spamming
Fav.Quote- "Dota Tonight?"
Size- Just Fit
Skill- Leisure Chatting
Fav.Quote- "Is my hair good enough?"
NiChOlAs TiAn
Size- Big head guy
Skill- Accomodating
Fav.Quote- "Ooh, ok ok"
Size- Seems fit
Skill- Persuasion
Fav.Quote- "Buai song ar?"
SuNNy KirpAl
Size- Fit
Skill- Staring
Fav.Quote- "How r u today?"
DoRa LeOng
Size- M - Close to S
Skill- Joking
Fav.Quote- "Pi Lah!"
Size- Close to Slim
Skill- Anime Citation
Fav.Quote- "STUNNED!"
LoNg Fei
Size- Slender
Skill- Speedy
Fav.Quote- "MeoWwuu..."
Size- Almost Slim
Skill- Collecting
Fav.Quote- "What to do next?"
JiNg XiAn
Size- Slightly chubby
Skill- Decisive
Fav.Quote- "Just do the best, can le"
ShAn YaN
Size- Xtra small
Skill- Perservering
Fav.Quote- "box u yar?"
YaN JiNg
Size- Hippy n slimmer a bit
Skill- Caring
Fav.Quote- "My Sms limit has been reached..."
YoNg XiAnG
Size- Bubbly
Skill- Assisting
Fav.Quote- "Diao..."
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
*^_^A month or so to my busy days ahead^_^*Well, times ahead certainly looks tough for me. Got to get more fit if i am to suffer less in the months coming soon. Hmmm... So far, only clear some of the mess in my room, still got quite a long way to go to tidy up my room before i dun get any other chance to do so. Ok, got to settle some stuffs in the days ahead soon. There probably will be only a few outings ahead as most of my friends are rather busy at the moment. Oh well, managed to find a theme song in naruto movie to set as bg music of my blog here. It is quite soothing, so enjoy while visiting this little blog of mine.
Ok,now still got many things to do at home. Cupboard got to re-sort my items, must finish as many things that i have not read finished so far, throw somethings out of my room asap, maple must at least be lvl80+ in due time, buy what i want to eat before i dun have much time to eat and more. And if i can find some photos that is recently taken and interesting, may post them in the snapshots section soon. So look up my blog for more updates. Will be back to update this blog in a few days. See ya for now. Oya, maybe i will visit the 7-11 store that is to be opened anytime soon to drink more slurpees ba. Hehe
Enjoying what your job expects you to do is the first step to a relaxed lifestyle.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:00 AM:-::
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
*^_^A month or so to my busy days ahead^_^*Well, times ahead certainly looks tough for me. Got to get more fit if i am to suffer less in the months coming soon. Hmmm... So far, only clear some of the mess in my room, still got quite a long way to go to tidy up my room before i dun get any other chance to do so. Ok, got to settle some stuffs in the days ahead soon. There probably will be only a few outings ahead as most of my friends are rather busy at the moment. Oh well, managed to find a theme song in naruto movie to set as bg music of my blog here. It is quite soothing, so enjoy while visiting this little blog of mine.
Ok,now still got many things to do at home. Cupboard got to re-sort my items, must finish as many things that i have not read finished so far, throw somethings out of my room asap, maple must at least be lvl80+ in due time, buy what i want to eat before i dun have much time to eat and more. And if i can find some photos that is recently taken and interesting, may post them in the snapshots section soon. So look up my blog for more updates. Will be back to update this blog in a few days. See ya for now. Oya, maybe i will visit the 7-11 store that is to be opened anytime soon to drink more slurpees ba. Hehe
Enjoying what your job expects you to do is the first step to a relaxed lifestyle.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:00 AM:-::