Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Busy from tml duty onwards... zzz =xWell, first thing first. I am considered one of the last few singaporeans to receive any money from the GST offset package. Had i been born in 1987, i probably won't be able to get it this year due to the rules laid down to allow cash packages to be given to any adult above age 21 in the calender year when the payout begins. =) Those born on 1 Jan 1987 probably feel quite heart-breaking as they dun qualify this year. Oh well, rules are rules...
Ok, let me discuss abit about a more seriously concerned topic here. Jus read 8 DAYS magazine and saw this good article telling us 20 ways to save the world. Here are the ways, some are quite easy to carry out too... Let me summarise n i add in some ideas at the same time.
1. Recycle.
The more you recycle, the slower the landfill at Pulau Semakau fills up. At the rate that our unwanted junks are being buried, we have only 35 years left. Recycling as much as you can ba. Empty beer glass bottles can be recycled too. =x
2. Ditch the plastic Bag.
2.5 million plastic bags disposed in Singapore a year. As a result, Singapore Environment Council launched the first Bring Your Own Bag Day on April 18. So besides IKEA implementing selling plastic bags a while ago, now if u enter Carrefour, Cold Storage, Giant, NTUC FairPrice, Prime Supermarket, Sheng Shiong, and Shop N Save on every first Wed on every month, u probably get less plastic bags or u need to contribute 10 cent for a plastic bag each. Max the use of plastic bags...
3. Use Both Sides.
Jus rem to make full use of both sides of paper. Less paper will be wasted when thrown away. =)
4. Pay your bills online.
Cuts down paper wastage in printing the bills n reduce energy in delivery such mails.
5. Go easy on hot water.
Heating water consumes energy. Take cold showers often and wash clothes in cold water where possible. Samsung WA12UP ($799) is a washing machine using cold waters.
6. Don't rock the Air-Con.
NEA recommends temperature being set at 25C as its cost saving. Raising 1C help cut carbon dioxide emissions. Use electric fans wherever possible.
7. Eat Local Veggies
Exotic n imported greens requires lots of fuels for them to be delivered to our sunny country.
8. Bring your own mug
2 cups of takeaway coffee = too much caffeine consumed. Starbucks sold nice looking tumblers from $12.90 plus if u buy coffee with their own starbucks tumblers, there is a 30cents discount! Paper cups will be disposed lesser this way!
9. Turn it off
Turning off main switch is better than jus keeping electrical appliances on standby mode. Can save more electricity this way.
10. Charge batteries
Try use rechargeable batteries instead of normal batteries. Ni-MH is most economical n last longer. Dispose lesser batteries this way as they are metals that are corrosive in nature and more toxic to the environment.
11. Buy eco-friendly bulbs.
Energy saving bulbs though cost more but it consumes 65 percent less energy, last 10 times longer n also jus as bright.
12. Buy pre-loved.
Buy those still new 2nd hand goods as it befits recycling purpose at the same time. Visit Salvation Army's Praisehaven Family Store @ 500 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Tel 6288-5438 to find some goodies.
13. Say 'No' To cattle.
Animal agriculture emits 2/3 of world's acid-rain ammonia. Cos producing a calorie of meat protein is equivalent to 10 times the burning of fossil fuels. Eat more veggies =)
14. Rent DVDs
Need i say more? DVDs are actually made of polycarbonate plastic encasing an extremely thin layer of aluminum which are hazardous non-biodegradable waste.
15. Wash a full load.
Washing full load uses same amount of energy as washing only a single item. Save water too.
16. Drive a hybrid car.
Hybid car like Toyota Prius runs on fuel n electricity, reduces polltution n cost less than Toyota Camry.
17. Plan Your Route.
Longer trips = more emission of gases...
18. Keep Your Tyres Hard.
Under-inflated tyres = more carbon dioxide released into air.
19. Share Cabs.
More cost saving, less fuel used. Though cab drivers earn less. lol
20. Don't Work So Hard.
Everyone like this =x Working hours lesser = 20 less energy consumed in the facilities.
Haha... Well some of the above ways maybe familiar while some are a bit taken for granted but good ideas.
Ok... tml working again. Hopes everything turns out ok. =)
Sometimes u can choose the things to sacrifice, but other
times you have no choices...
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 3:42 PM:-::
Thursday, May 17, 2007
May updates: Thrilling month?Hi guys, long time no update le. Well, if u all got tuned in to channel 5, u will know that lifeline 2 will be aired starting from 15 May, every tuesday, 8pm on Channel 5. This season seems to be better… If u all wan to spot me, pay extra attention to an construction site accident that took place up an uneven terrain. Yeah, check it out as I dunno is epi no. wat though. Hehe
Ok, will be busy for tests in SCDF towards end of may and early june. Other specialists have to take more tests for each work year. Oh well, jus have to study hard and train hard as well. Hope that I can make it. =) 17th May will be my 2nd IPPT day as I hoped that I can find back my standing broadjump technique. Jus only for standing broadjump I hav to retake as I did fairly well for others. *UPDATED* Well, jus made a big jump tis morning to break my own personal standing broadjump record, which now stands at 234cm. Tweaked a bit of the way i used to jump and it proves to work abit for me. A pity that my shuttle run on that rainy IPPT day is not good enough to warrant me a silver but a pass only (cos it is on a long mat which slows down my speed.) . Oh well, its ok. I still got one more try coming this second half of the year to get monetary award of at least 100 bucks. =)
For movies, I have watched spiderman 3 so far this month. I have to say that tis is not as good as compared to 1 & 2 in the trilogy though is spectacular in special effects and graphics. Worth a look though. Hopefully there will be Spiderman 4 soon within 2 years ba. =) So now, I am looking forward to Shrek the third and the most entertaining Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End for this month. Hehheh, one has to work and relax well mah =x
As for chalets update, so far been to Agu’s 21st bday chalet and it is quite spacious there. Only thing I find that the furnitures there seems to be not that new and loose sockets may electrify u if u spill water near socket or plug area. But overall, HomeTeam NS chalets still not bad, more suited for family with childrens for leisure weekends by the park as there are playgrounds there. Hehe. Moving on, a chalet in early august for my poly friends hav been sort of planned. A list of friends have been noted with up to 20 ppl names in it. Budget wise hav not finalised but should be well affordable ba. Location chosen is quite peaceful and unique. Hmmm, long time no such gathering le. Hope it can be an entertaining, sharing and fun experience ba. Haha…
In due time, I will probably make a decision whether to buy PS3 or wait till much later. If I buy PS3, I have to sell off my PS2 away. Abit hard to sell as my PS2 model is not slim size model de, though I hav maintained it well. So offers anyone? Will sell cheap to my friends if any of them wants ba. =) PS3 at the moment do not hav games exciting enough yet though its price cost less than 800 bucks (but 1 controller though). Let’s wait and see…
Ok, let me end this post with nice pic took and edited from my PSP 1.3 megapixel camera… Will be back soon if there’s any updates =p Me duty again tml… Having rest 2 days later =)

“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!” - Balboa
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 10:51 PM:-::
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Busy from tml duty onwards... zzz =xWell, first thing first. I am considered one of the last few singaporeans to receive any money from the GST offset package. Had i been born in 1987, i probably won't be able to get it this year due to the rules laid down to allow cash packages to be given to any adult above age 21 in the calender year when the payout begins. =) Those born on 1 Jan 1987 probably feel quite heart-breaking as they dun qualify this year. Oh well, rules are rules...
Ok, let me discuss abit about a more seriously concerned topic here. Jus read 8 DAYS magazine and saw this good article telling us 20 ways to save the world. Here are the ways, some are quite easy to carry out too... Let me summarise n i add in some ideas at the same time.
1. Recycle.
The more you recycle, the slower the landfill at Pulau Semakau fills up. At the rate that our unwanted junks are being buried, we have only 35 years left. Recycling as much as you can ba. Empty beer glass bottles can be recycled too. =x
2. Ditch the plastic Bag.
2.5 million plastic bags disposed in Singapore a year. As a result, Singapore Environment Council launched the first Bring Your Own Bag Day on April 18. So besides IKEA implementing selling plastic bags a while ago, now if u enter Carrefour, Cold Storage, Giant, NTUC FairPrice, Prime Supermarket, Sheng Shiong, and Shop N Save on every first Wed on every month, u probably get less plastic bags or u need to contribute 10 cent for a plastic bag each. Max the use of plastic bags...
3. Use Both Sides.
Jus rem to make full use of both sides of paper. Less paper will be wasted when thrown away. =)
4. Pay your bills online.
Cuts down paper wastage in printing the bills n reduce energy in delivery such mails.
5. Go easy on hot water.
Heating water consumes energy. Take cold showers often and wash clothes in cold water where possible. Samsung WA12UP ($799) is a washing machine using cold waters.
6. Don't rock the Air-Con.
NEA recommends temperature being set at 25C as its cost saving. Raising 1C help cut carbon dioxide emissions. Use electric fans wherever possible.
7. Eat Local Veggies
Exotic n imported greens requires lots of fuels for them to be delivered to our sunny country.
8. Bring your own mug
2 cups of takeaway coffee = too much caffeine consumed. Starbucks sold nice looking tumblers from $12.90 plus if u buy coffee with their own starbucks tumblers, there is a 30cents discount! Paper cups will be disposed lesser this way!
9. Turn it off
Turning off main switch is better than jus keeping electrical appliances on standby mode. Can save more electricity this way.
10. Charge batteries
Try use rechargeable batteries instead of normal batteries. Ni-MH is most economical n last longer. Dispose lesser batteries this way as they are metals that are corrosive in nature and more toxic to the environment.
11. Buy eco-friendly bulbs.
Energy saving bulbs though cost more but it consumes 65 percent less energy, last 10 times longer n also jus as bright.
12. Buy pre-loved.
Buy those still new 2nd hand goods as it befits recycling purpose at the same time. Visit Salvation Army's Praisehaven Family Store @ 500 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Tel 6288-5438 to find some goodies.
13. Say 'No' To cattle.
Animal agriculture emits 2/3 of world's acid-rain ammonia. Cos producing a calorie of meat protein is equivalent to 10 times the burning of fossil fuels. Eat more veggies =)
14. Rent DVDs
Need i say more? DVDs are actually made of polycarbonate plastic encasing an extremely thin layer of aluminum which are hazardous non-biodegradable waste.
15. Wash a full load.
Washing full load uses same amount of energy as washing only a single item. Save water too.
16. Drive a hybrid car.
Hybid car like Toyota Prius runs on fuel n electricity, reduces polltution n cost less than Toyota Camry.
17. Plan Your Route.
Longer trips = more emission of gases...
18. Keep Your Tyres Hard.
Under-inflated tyres = more carbon dioxide released into air.
19. Share Cabs.
More cost saving, less fuel used. Though cab drivers earn less. lol
20. Don't Work So Hard.
Everyone like this =x Working hours lesser = 20 less energy consumed in the facilities.
Haha... Well some of the above ways maybe familiar while some are a bit taken for granted but good ideas.
Ok... tml working again. Hopes everything turns out ok. =)
Sometimes u can choose the things to sacrifice, but other
times you have no choices...
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 3:42 PM:-::
Thursday, May 17, 2007
May updates: Thrilling month?Hi guys, long time no update le. Well, if u all got tuned in to channel 5, u will know that lifeline 2 will be aired starting from 15 May, every tuesday, 8pm on Channel 5. This season seems to be better… If u all wan to spot me, pay extra attention to an construction site accident that took place up an uneven terrain. Yeah, check it out as I dunno is epi no. wat though. Hehe
Ok, will be busy for tests in SCDF towards end of may and early june. Other specialists have to take more tests for each work year. Oh well, jus have to study hard and train hard as well. Hope that I can make it. =) 17th May will be my 2nd IPPT day as I hoped that I can find back my standing broadjump technique. Jus only for standing broadjump I hav to retake as I did fairly well for others. *UPDATED* Well, jus made a big jump tis morning to break my own personal standing broadjump record, which now stands at 234cm. Tweaked a bit of the way i used to jump and it proves to work abit for me. A pity that my shuttle run on that rainy IPPT day is not good enough to warrant me a silver but a pass only (cos it is on a long mat which slows down my speed.) . Oh well, its ok. I still got one more try coming this second half of the year to get monetary award of at least 100 bucks. =)
For movies, I have watched spiderman 3 so far this month. I have to say that tis is not as good as compared to 1 & 2 in the trilogy though is spectacular in special effects and graphics. Worth a look though. Hopefully there will be Spiderman 4 soon within 2 years ba. =) So now, I am looking forward to Shrek the third and the most entertaining Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End for this month. Hehheh, one has to work and relax well mah =x
As for chalets update, so far been to Agu’s 21st bday chalet and it is quite spacious there. Only thing I find that the furnitures there seems to be not that new and loose sockets may electrify u if u spill water near socket or plug area. But overall, HomeTeam NS chalets still not bad, more suited for family with childrens for leisure weekends by the park as there are playgrounds there. Hehe. Moving on, a chalet in early august for my poly friends hav been sort of planned. A list of friends have been noted with up to 20 ppl names in it. Budget wise hav not finalised but should be well affordable ba. Location chosen is quite peaceful and unique. Hmmm, long time no such gathering le. Hope it can be an entertaining, sharing and fun experience ba. Haha…
In due time, I will probably make a decision whether to buy PS3 or wait till much later. If I buy PS3, I have to sell off my PS2 away. Abit hard to sell as my PS2 model is not slim size model de, though I hav maintained it well. So offers anyone? Will sell cheap to my friends if any of them wants ba. =) PS3 at the moment do not hav games exciting enough yet though its price cost less than 800 bucks (but 1 controller though). Let’s wait and see…
Ok, let me end this post with nice pic took and edited from my PSP 1.3 megapixel camera… Will be back soon if there’s any updates =p Me duty again tml… Having rest 2 days later =)

“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!” - Balboa
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 10:51 PM:-::