Sunday, June 24, 2007
July Approaching... <120 duties left =)Hi all, long time no update... Gonna ORD in a year's time. So far, me have achieved some objectives in my 1 year of NS service thus far.
Fitness wise -> Shown improvement. From 47kg to 57kg n still growing...
Has done sufficent to overcome the physical tests in June thus far...
IPPT should have been clear SILVER if not for that shuttle run on a slippery
mat. Never mind, got another go this coming end of year.
Endurance -> Tested to the max through heat, darkness and mentality.
Now still continue striving for improvements.
Administrative -> Admin stuffs using computer has been not bad...
Impressed some people in watchroom duty recently...
However, i still got to improve on certain aspects.
Techniques -> Got to learn better techniques to execute certain task better.
Presentation -> Clearly got to present stuffs n give lectures properly to impress my fellow
ROTA personnel better.
Proactive -> Still gotta take more initiatives to show tat i am actually capable of doing some
tasks well actually.
Oh so, going to station is not as easy as it seems. However, if i dun rebuild my personality properly, I may end up with split personalities. Oh gosh, currently not the case though. But if it were to happen, it may look something like this...
@Station -> Robust, firm, bold, energetic
@Home -> Obedient, Reserved, Helpful
@Outside -> Trying to be more creative, Kind, More cheerful
Oh well, hopefully not like this of course. =x
Ok, talk about donuts ba. Weeks ago queued for donuts@ Donut Factory.
Some flavours too sweet, some just nice, but rather original still quite good. Soft and fluffy.
Queued for 3 hours before getting 2 dozen. Heard it actually taste better than krispy kremes in some way, me not sure though. Maybe when suntec outlet open, then i queue again for donuts. haha. Ok, let me end this short post with savory donuts pic. Let the pic brighten ur day. =x

Believe in striving for a better life, there are always
choices ahead.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:42 PM:-::
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Recent June happenings...I have managed to satisfy my donut cravings thus far. hehe Dun tell u all how many i bought else u all jealous. haha. Took me 3 hours+ to get my donuts from 1150am to 3pm. Only disappoinment is that there is no wasabi cheese flavour on sale le. Dunno is it temporary or permanent thing... Anyway, give thumbs up for cheese flavours n original glazed flavour as they r jus great for my taste buds. Apple cinnamon oso taste great. For some flavours like mocha lotus, they r not tat recommended as they r too sweet to me somehow. Hmmm, still got some flavours not try yet. Shall prepare a list of wat to buy so tat i can hopefully get to taste the other flavours in my next queue soon. Muwhahahaha... Fluffy donuts rox!
Ok, i tot of popping by the IT fair on Friday but jus didn't as there are hordes of consumers going to the fair. So instead, i jus pop by my station's friend booth at World book fair tat promotes some sort of subconsious mind therapy , some sort like music therapy. Bought a cd as goodwill gesture n to c how good it can be as there is 30 days money back guarantee. Hehe, anyway got to decide before july whether to buy PS3 or not. If not, mayb i buy something else. haha...
So recently, i prepared secretly for the upcoming chalet. Think they all will sure like it de. Maybe to the extent that they all may not sleep much at the chalet. mayb not, haha. If i bring a PS3 too, we all no need sleep le? Muwhahaha... Cos PSP can connect to PS3 if psp is latest version. haha, and oso y not instead of paper cups, we all each bring our own tumbler along? Shall c how la...
Ok, i meet quite many kinds of people in fire station. A few in my ROTA is rather kind n good. Got a few nsfs too, but only a few of them nice. There is this guy that has a qian bian look, not only that, gosh, he got qian bian character too. He think he boss like tat, wan do things properly then do else he will close one eye n not do much. To think that he younger than me somemore, only got O levels to show for though. =( Ok talk about others ba, met a young jap-chinese nsf, is an PR here but hometown is in toyko. He likes authentic jap food, mayb shall ask him recommend some good jap food in s'pore soon as he do frequents some jap restaurants here. A nice person, but do things a bit hastily sometimes. Oh well, life in each workplace is similar as there r kind people, evil people, backstabbers, law-by-law type of people. But luckily there are helpful people too. Ok, me go relax a bit le, my 2nd off day tml. If anyone wan watch movies or watever, jus sms me, 80% i may join. =) See ya...
Expect the unexpected. Foresee the unForseeable.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 6:37 PM:-::
Sunday, June 24, 2007
July Approaching... <120 duties left =)Hi all, long time no update... Gonna ORD in a year's time. So far, me have achieved some objectives in my 1 year of NS service thus far.
Fitness wise -> Shown improvement. From 47kg to 57kg n still growing...
Has done sufficent to overcome the physical tests in June thus far...
IPPT should have been clear SILVER if not for that shuttle run on a slippery
mat. Never mind, got another go this coming end of year.
Endurance -> Tested to the max through heat, darkness and mentality.
Now still continue striving for improvements.
Administrative -> Admin stuffs using computer has been not bad...
Impressed some people in watchroom duty recently...
However, i still got to improve on certain aspects.
Techniques -> Got to learn better techniques to execute certain task better.
Presentation -> Clearly got to present stuffs n give lectures properly to impress my fellow
ROTA personnel better.
Proactive -> Still gotta take more initiatives to show tat i am actually capable of doing some
tasks well actually.
Oh so, going to station is not as easy as it seems. However, if i dun rebuild my personality properly, I may end up with split personalities. Oh gosh, currently not the case though. But if it were to happen, it may look something like this...
@Station -> Robust, firm, bold, energetic
@Home -> Obedient, Reserved, Helpful
@Outside -> Trying to be more creative, Kind, More cheerful
Oh well, hopefully not like this of course. =x
Ok, talk about donuts ba. Weeks ago queued for donuts@ Donut Factory.
Some flavours too sweet, some just nice, but rather original still quite good. Soft and fluffy.
Queued for 3 hours before getting 2 dozen. Heard it actually taste better than krispy kremes in some way, me not sure though. Maybe when suntec outlet open, then i queue again for donuts. haha. Ok, let me end this short post with savory donuts pic. Let the pic brighten ur day. =x

Believe in striving for a better life, there are always
choices ahead.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 11:42 PM:-::
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Recent June happenings...I have managed to satisfy my donut cravings thus far. hehe Dun tell u all how many i bought else u all jealous. haha. Took me 3 hours+ to get my donuts from 1150am to 3pm. Only disappoinment is that there is no wasabi cheese flavour on sale le. Dunno is it temporary or permanent thing... Anyway, give thumbs up for cheese flavours n original glazed flavour as they r jus great for my taste buds. Apple cinnamon oso taste great. For some flavours like mocha lotus, they r not tat recommended as they r too sweet to me somehow. Hmmm, still got some flavours not try yet. Shall prepare a list of wat to buy so tat i can hopefully get to taste the other flavours in my next queue soon. Muwhahahaha... Fluffy donuts rox!
Ok, i tot of popping by the IT fair on Friday but jus didn't as there are hordes of consumers going to the fair. So instead, i jus pop by my station's friend booth at World book fair tat promotes some sort of subconsious mind therapy , some sort like music therapy. Bought a cd as goodwill gesture n to c how good it can be as there is 30 days money back guarantee. Hehe, anyway got to decide before july whether to buy PS3 or not. If not, mayb i buy something else. haha...
So recently, i prepared secretly for the upcoming chalet. Think they all will sure like it de. Maybe to the extent that they all may not sleep much at the chalet. mayb not, haha. If i bring a PS3 too, we all no need sleep le? Muwhahaha... Cos PSP can connect to PS3 if psp is latest version. haha, and oso y not instead of paper cups, we all each bring our own tumbler along? Shall c how la...
Ok, i meet quite many kinds of people in fire station. A few in my ROTA is rather kind n good. Got a few nsfs too, but only a few of them nice. There is this guy that has a qian bian look, not only that, gosh, he got qian bian character too. He think he boss like tat, wan do things properly then do else he will close one eye n not do much. To think that he younger than me somemore, only got O levels to show for though. =( Ok talk about others ba, met a young jap-chinese nsf, is an PR here but hometown is in toyko. He likes authentic jap food, mayb shall ask him recommend some good jap food in s'pore soon as he do frequents some jap restaurants here. A nice person, but do things a bit hastily sometimes. Oh well, life in each workplace is similar as there r kind people, evil people, backstabbers, law-by-law type of people. But luckily there are helpful people too. Ok, me go relax a bit le, my 2nd off day tml. If anyone wan watch movies or watever, jus sms me, 80% i may join. =) See ya...
Expect the unexpected. Foresee the unForseeable.
::-: QuEsT ComPleTioN @ 6:37 PM:-::